The hill overlooking Broadford is called Beinn na Callich and I wanted it to be the first that I climbed on Skye since my move here. I picked up a couple of friends and drove the couple of miles to Old Corry where we started the walk, less than 5 minutes to drive – fantastic!

Colleagues had advised stick to the left, so that is what we did, crossing the boggy moorland then tackling the scree, keeping to the left. The rock was rough – this is Skye – and great for scrambling over. In T-shirts for the ascent, although the wind was blowing fairly strongly. The slope eased as we reached the summit, where the shelter round the trig point was welcome as the wind was now a wee bit chilly.
After some discussion we decided to continue around the horseshoe , first down and up to Beinn Dearg Mhor, then down a horrible steep scree slope – I think I’ve lost my sense of balance, had to take it slowly. Once at the bealach it was an easy ascent to Beinn Dearg Bheag, great views of Blaven.

A path followed the winding ridge back towards Old Corry, the sting in the tail was an extremely boggy descent to the moor, difficult with tired legs! A short stop by the river which we then followed back to the car. Just over 6 tiring hours but only 5 minutes to home and a cuppa!
Suffered from tender muscles for the next two days… I must walk more hills and take less photos!!!